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Supporting young musicians

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€2.33 - 506 17 321
€4.66 - 506 17 915
€11.65 - 506 19 245


Once again, this year's proceeds from the Talbot & Bons Live Music Marathon will go towards the Salesian Brigade (SB).


It is a known fact that a lot of musicians start their formal studies within a local band setup, therefore it was with pleasure that we accepted to keep on supporting the Salesian Brigade.


This time, the organisers have assured us that the funds will go towards producing a new SB teaching music booklet and also to rearrange and digitise all of their music scripts. 

Founded in 1910, the Salesian Brigade is the only Catholic Uniformed organization in Malta. Locally it is an integral part of the Salesian Oratory Sliema. The Brigade is now about 90 members-strong with 60 members participating week in, week out while the others help out mainly with band performances.

Currently, the SB has over 25 new members who are attending music basic lessons and experimenting with different instruments. SB membership starts from 8 years of age up to 21 by then all senior members who are still active will be leaders. There is no age for band members.


The SB also incorporates in their membership boys from the Salesian St. Patrick’s residential school who caters for boys who are less fortunate. Apart from local activities the SB also organises exchange visits abroad.


Visit the Salesian Brigade website.

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